The best web browser for devs

Ishan Tiwari
2 min readOct 27, 2021

The best web browser of developers is not the one you currently are using. It is also not one of those browsers which you know and is also not included in any top 10 or 20 list of browsers. We shall tell you about some of its coolest features and things which make it perfect for a developer.

Firefox Developer Edition

It’s not firefox it is the blue firefox or the firefox developer Edition.


It has some really useful features that can help you out as a developer. Some of them are listed below

Runs Faster Than Firefox

I am not joking it really runs faster than firefox most times I have noticed it myself as it loads up upto 2x faster than firefox. The key reason being that it is like firefox beta with new updates added more quickly than the firefox. It is like running the next version of firefox before launch.

Made for developers

Firefox devtools alone are way useful than chrome dev tools. It just takes that a step further. Some of its most useful features are.

  1. Support for css grid
  2. Tells you about inactive css
  3. Fonts panel for razor sharp fonts
  4. Javascript Debugger with support for React and Redux

and much much more features that will help you.

What are you waiting for ?

Go get it on



Ishan Tiwari

A Linux enthusiast working on small scale django and react projects